This is a short story by Lamia.

At the Lamb concert in Newcastle City Hall 24-25 April 1975, I had a slight inter action with Peter Gabriel. Between each side of the album he did a little monologue explaining the story and before playing side 3 he was describing the features of the Lamia. During this he mentioned that the Lamia had huge “BREASTS” and I shouted through the crowd: “TITS!” Gabriel replied: “NO, NOT TITS, BREASTS!” This got a good reaction from the audience and it can be heard on the bootleg of the show, which is now difficult to find. For me one of the best highlights of the show was during the encore of The Musical Box. When Gabriel reached the part where he screams “NOW NOW NOW”, he used to rip open his catsuit to reveal his bare chest… on this occasion he was wearing a ‘black & white’ Newcastle United football shirt… the reaction from the crowd was just unbelievable! It’s a recollection of many memories over the years of being a Genesis fan.