
7 entries.
Dear Webmaster,
If you get a minute, can you drop me an e-mail. I was a friend of Mick's and have been trying to contact him since December. Now I see on website that he sadly passed away.
I was trying to work a deal with Mick in order to buy a few of his posters. Do you have his posters in your possession?
I do have lots of Genesis memorabilia in my collection. Perhaps we could even do some trading if you'd like.
Drop me a line when you get a chance.
George German
Hello sir how are you doing? After searching on your website I came across the page that reviews the Newcastle 75 show and you mentioned that a recording of the concert exists? I would be interested in having this recording, is there a way you could send it to me please? Hearing this on the bootleg must be interesting! cheers
Very interesting read, I realize how much time this has taken you!
very impressive.
Nice collection you scraped together Han. Keep up the good work!
Proud of you and all your work on this website!
Very impressive site you've created, Han. I look forward to seeing you add more scraps and other unique items as time progresses.
Very interesting and original idea coming up with a forever evolving scrapbook. Keep up the great work of reminding all true fans of the great days gone by and new fans of the days they missed.