Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, 21st of March 2022
by MGS
Having followed Genesis for more than 50 years I would like to share my feelings and experience of the last time I would see them as a band. When the tour dates were originally announced, it was not an easy decision for me to decide if I wanted to see them on this tour. There were several reasons for my doubts. The main reason being the situation Phil Collins finds himself in with his ‘physically challenged’ condition. These are his words describing his condition, not mine.

After giving it lots of thought I decided to go and see them on this farewell tour. In the past I had never given it any thought. I would get tickets for as many shows as I could, having seen them for the first time in the early 70’s and every subsequent tour ever since.
I arranged for a friend to come from America to see them. He had previously only seen them on one other occasion, this being on the American leg of this tour. I also arranged to meet up with two other friends from Holland who are also big fans. One of these friends is the author of this website. Normally I would have a buzz of excitement knowing that I would be seeing them again. After seeing many performances on TV and internet I was impressed by the production quality of the new show and the normal high levels of musicianship, which we have come to expect from Genesis over the years. Also having met all members several times over the years it was always special. The usual excitement I would have was just not there. Seeing P.C. the way he is now really hurt and influenced my reasoning.

When the day of the show eventually came around after the cancellations due to the covid issue, I started to get a bit of the old excitement and anticipation back again. We arrived in Amsterdam early to get to the venue and take time to get some food and a few liquid refreshments (beer!!!) This also helped me relax and get in the concertmode. Eventually, the time came to enter the venue. As usual you meet and chat with strangers who are all there for the same reason. This occasion was no different. Over the years I have met many people who I have kept in touch with, and some who have become great friends. Showtime was about to commence so we made our way to a good spot quite near the front as we were in the standing area on the main floor.

The show started, the sound and lighting was spectacular, as usual. I began to think “this is it, they’re here again and everything is going to be fine.” Once the opening instrumental was over and P.C. started to sing I was beginning to feel the enjoyment. Twenty minutes or so into the show my feelings started to change. My mind was going back to the early days of Phil singing his soul out and running around the stage, and of course his fantastic drumming. As things continued I felt myself filling up. A lump in my throat and tears were starting to well up in my eyes. I went out of the main auditorium to the concourse outside the hall to get a drink and pull myself together. This is something I have never done in all the years and many times I have seen the band. While I was outside the show many other people seemed to have the same feelings.

I could still hear the music, but I could tell Phil was struggling to reach the notes, and was forgetting some of the lyrics. This is in no way a condemnation of Phil Collins. If anything it only made my admiration for the man even greater. My memories of the earlier days were too strong for me to be able to cope with seeing him this way. Also, Genesis having backing singers was to me, not the Genesis I grew up with.
When the show was finished I felt a great sadness that it was all over. We all get older, unfortunately. The day we never expected had arrived. The last time I would see them. I met up with my mates and they asked where I had been. I explained and they understood as they know how long I have been a fan and how long Genesis has been in my life. I am sure there will be many other people of my age who have similar feelings to what I had.
My love for this group of men will never wane. They have given me, and so many other people in the world, so much pleasure and many memories to treasure. We all have dreams, and my dream end would have been to see Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett make an appearance at some point on the tour, and a possible appearance by Chester Thompson. All of whom contributed to the Genesis reputation over the lifetime of the group.

Final thoughts. It was great to see them perform again one last time. The show was designed to take away a lot of attention from Phil. All credit to everybody for that, it shows their love for him. Given the circumstances surrounding Phil I think he is a great man for putting himself through all of this hard work, the greatest respect to him, and respect to all members past and present for giving us so much pleasure over the years. I wish them all the very best for whatever the future holds.
I have nothing but love and the sincerest respect for them all. THANK YOU GENESIS. In your own words: THEY’LL NEVER SEE THE LIKES OF US AGAIN.