Dino Jones is an American author from Childersburg, Alabama. Not only is Dino gifted with words, he also happens to be a big Genesis fan. Even more so, a Tony Banks fan in particular. Apart from working as a teacher and writing novels in the late hours in his Alabama home, Jones keeps track of Tony’s every move and steadily provides us with videos on his Banksian Central YouTube channel.

If you relate to subjects that are covered on ‘Duke’ you might enjoy Dino’s first novel ‘Born From A Wish’. While reading you may guess it’s not a coincidence that the main character in the story is called Albert. Albert lives a solitary life with his mother and he doesn’t have too many friends. Most of the time Albert spends his time reading. He also likes to watch his old tv-set his cousin has given him as a present. At one night a voice speaks through the tv-set. It’s the voice of his long lost love, and from that point on everything changes (“I get so lonely when she’s not there”)…
After the release of his first novel Dino Jones started to work on his second book called ‘Some Things Last…’ This companion novel to the story of Albert was released in 2022 with even more references to Genesis, tucked away between the lines. Read it and you’ll understand what I’m talking of.

In early 2023 Dino Jones started to work on a short story collection. Although not finished yet, Jones hints that the title will be ‘Ghosts Of Our Past’. He says the theme present throughout will be ghosts both figuratively and literally. Jones’s third book is to be released somewhere in 2024.
In 2011 Jones started his very own Tony Banks YouTube channel called Banksian Central. Inspired by Tony Banks’s solo albums ‘Still’ and ‘A Curious Feeling’ Dino found that there was a lot more behind Genesis’s introvert keyboard player. “Before I came up with ‘Banksian Central’ there were a lot of Tony’s videos spread across multiple accounts on YouTube. I wanted to compile everything in one central location, a Banksian central if you will… That was the basic idea of it, really.” The channel has a few surprises for every TB or Genesis fan, so be sure to check it out. Dino Jones wrote a piece on ‘Still’ for this website which can be found here.